Friday, January 20, 2012

Home Remedy for Athlete's Foot - Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the oldest and most trusted home remedies is apple cider vinegar. This valuable product is heavily relied on for centuries to prevent and alleviate a range of diseases. It helps alkalize the body and is rich in potassium, which supports cell growth. Throughout the history of apple cider vinegar has been used to treat earaches, infections, arthritis, and as an aid to digestion. It is also said to aid in the detoxification of the body's organs and eliminate warts. It is readily available, inexpensive and useful for various diseases and conditions.

For all these reasons, apple cider vinegar may be the best natural cure for athlete's foot. It is the ability of this type of vinegar to destroy fungal infections, making it an ideal natural remedy for athlete's foot fungus. Not only is it much cheaper than prescription drugs and even over the counter medications, pure apple cider vinegar relieves the itching that is caused by athlete's foot, which is a gentle, all natural answer to this common and painful problem. And best of all, you May have to have it in your closet.

Athlete's foot is known, persistent disease caused by fungal growth on the legs. This type of infection occurs when a highly contagious tinea pedis fungus contacts the skin. Often the most affected area of the foot between the toes, which is particularly warm and humid, but it can also spread to the rest of the foot. When athlete's foot fungus is given the opportunity to develop, the first May result in itchy red rash, typically beginning between the fourth and fifth toe. If the infection is not eliminated, the skin can become soft and extremely sensitive to touch. In severe cases, the edges of the afflicted area will become white and the skin may peel away, creating a milky discharge.

To combat this unfortunate situation, people have turned time and again apple cider vinegar. This type of vinegar is the liquid extracted from crushed apples. Sugar and yeast are added to encourage fermentation, which converts sugar into alcohol. This is the second fermentation process when acetic acid-forming bacteria convert alcohol into vinegar.

This acidic product can be used to treat the feet that have become raw, cracked, damaged by a fungus that causes athlete's foot. Not only can relieve a persistent itch that comes with the device, has also been reported to rid the body of a fungus that causes the condition. On May not be the most odor, but the relief is immediately felt as sore feet contact the vinegar will definitely be worth it.

apple cider vinegar foot soak is an effective way to combat athlete's foot fungus. Simply mix one part pure all natural apple cider vinegar with a side of warm water and soak for 20 minutes. Feet should be cleaned with mild soap before and after treatment. It is necessary to ensure that your feet are thoroughly dried after treatment to prevent the spread of fungi in a moist environment. If necessary, it is permissible to use this method of treatment twice a day. Depending on the severity of the condition, the feet should be rid of the fungus within one to two weeks of regular treatment at home.

In less severe cases of athlete's foot fungus, using a towel or cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar. Gently rub the cloth to the affected areas. This treatment works especially well for children who may not be willing to sit down to soak your feet as a combination of vinegar and rubbing a towel to allow instant relief from itching caused by the fungus.

It is wise to take some common sense precautions to minimize their exposure to fungus as preventing athlete's foot fungus is usually much easier than treatment, to.NajvaĹžniji step you can take is to keep your feet dry, especially between the fingers. Make sure that the environment in your socks is inhospitable to fungal growth. Socks that are made from cotton, wool or other natural materials allow feet to breathe and stay dry. If your feet commonly sweat, see that your socks remain clean and dry, even if it means changing socks during the day. Choose shoes that are well ventilated and give them a chance to dry before wearing them again. It is also important to reduce the risk of exposure to wear waterproof sandals or shoes in public showers, locker rooms, and any other warm damp place that may host tinea pedis. Taking proper care of your feet and treat them with all-natural apple cider vinegar should ensure that the athlete's foot fungus clears up and returns.

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