Thursday, July 12, 2012

What Has Steve Jobs Taught Us About Public Speaking?

And why is so praised as a public speaker - so much so that his annual product launches are called 'Steve-note' instead of a keynote address? And you can learn from his approach to connecting with others?

In addition to paying meticulous attention to detail when preparing and practicing a speech, consider adopting some of his favorite techniques:

1 Use stories to connect with the audience

According to Ronald Tobias, there are 20 basic plots that run almost all the stories.

Steve Jobs has always been the consummate story teller, and usually prefer a 'Quest can plot structure -. Enters the story against the odds of Apple leading the behemoths (IBM vs. Microsoft in the past and recently), and winning

This is a great tactic to get the audience riled up and a sense of vision, in which it is possible to win despite being a little man -. Using an argument Brawn beats brains

2 Selling over 'aspirational's message

When learning how to create a trade commercials, I learned a valuable lesson - people will tend more to the picture where they would like to be 'but where they can be at this time. "In other words, the aspirational message - where they sell dreams - to create more resonance


Steve Jobs is still focused on this idea, helping the audience a visual experience that things 'could be'. He encouraged his audience to join him on the road as possible and listen to your inner voices.

"And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." Steve Jobs

3 Focus on the audience experience and making simple things

The Chicago Tribune recently from Steve Jobs as Willy Wonka in product design with an eye for detail (). But as he gained almost Pied Piper ability to inspire others with their dreams of more than 3 decades?

Simply, he is always focused on its product design and speeches highlighted the experiences of the audience (you can see, hear and feel) through a simple idea, and said. Everything does not add to the quality of your customer / audience experience, or detracts from them, should be removed.


"It was one of my mantras - focus and simplicity may simply be more difficult than complex: You must work hard to get your thinking clear to the simple, but it's worth it in. End because once you get there, you can move mountains " Steve Jobs quote -. Business Week, 25 May 1998

4 View over the phone: l

And last but not least, Steve Jobs has always preferred to demonstrate new products and "what can you do with them 'visually. It allows images what is now possible to speak volumes instead of annoying people on the list items.

Remember, shows are almost always more memorable than I speak.

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