Lync 2010 is Microsoft's latest instant messaging, presence and collaboration suite. Available for PC, smart phone, and via a web browser, Lync is designed to strengthen communication in the workplace. Its robust features along with an interface that is easy to use that Microsoft Lync essential for on-line communication. Lync allows face to face communication in the network quality, with rich audio and video streams. It also makes use of Microsoft Office applications when communicating over the network.
...Lync shares the same contact other Microsoft Outlook, including no difficult set-up that requires time-consuming to send and receive calls. In addition, contacts from social media can be added through Microsoft Lync, so that new users can be added without leaving the program.
Microsoft Lync is highly customizable and can be customized to your specific needs of network communications. Although it can be used to connect those who are working together from around the world, can also be loaded on a network that is inaccessible from the web, so that employees can work on sensitive projects without fear of compromising security.
Microsoft Lync is known for its stability. Interrupt signals or freezes are a thing of the past. Even in highly congested networks, Lync is a call admission control is able to actively adjust the bandwidth usage for the smooth continuation of communication.
Lync includes support for common call features such as reply, forward, transfer, hold, divert, release, park, and extends these capabilities out of the office through a secured Internet access without the need for a VPN connection. And with Lync running on a cloud, every interaction face to face near the appointment. Network talks with Lync include high-definition video, application and desktop sharing, and allows the full presence of the meetings, without the need for physical travel.
For the first time, you can now add the necessary context of communications with Microsoft Office applications within a single program. Lync provides a visually appealing communications experience with a consistent look and features of Microsoft Office and other Microsoft business applications, including the presence of colored icons, images, high resolution video and desktop sharing, and Lync allows employees to stay connected from anywhere with an experience of over PC, phone or web browser interface. This option allows users to connect to many devices.
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