Most companies have realized by now that social media (SM) is a new frontier in marketing. Since a lot of choice, Facebook and Twitter have become standout social media platform for the majority of new marketing initiatives. With millions of users worldwide, and Twitter and Facebook are excellent avenues to pursue and is fast becoming an essential part of good marketing plan.
Twitter and Facebook both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you must choose only one of these paths, think carefully about how your customers / users who communicate with you before deciding on one or the other. We'll look at only the "free" aspects of this type of marketing. (It will cost time and resources, but not the actual cash such as Facebook ads or promoting tweets .)
For the most part, Facebook has established itself as a place to connect and reconnect with friends and family. Although it is possible that the "open" profile that allows the customer to find you, Facebook users are looking for people and products they already know. Brand new connections are more likely than the recommendations made, and not on a whim or search by the user. Your challenge is to make your repeat customers and clients back to your site again and again and then send others to do the same.
You can do this by making a special landing page for your "fans" that have premium content and special offers, set the "Discussions" tab which allows people to talk about different aspects of your business, even set up special "events" such as grocery openings, product launches, days, symposia, etc. most importantly, the interesting comments, links, photos and video clips. Your main goal with social media in general is that the conversations going and keep your audience interested. Research shows that people are more likely to stay on your page / site, if you have pictures and video clips. This way your page as visual as you can!
While Twitter users can initially connect with the team know the "real life", the format is much more open to finding people and products through joint settings. Twitter users participating in the chat, search for keywords, and can inspect the general stream to find new connections.
While both Twitter and Facebook are very immediate, allowing users to comment and respond in real time, Twitter is still alive and open the dva.140 signs of quick recovery of the stream means that it is easy for your target audience to miss the message that you tweeted. If you are looking for you especially in the stream, his message comes and goes within a few minutes.
Thus, many variations of your message may be necessary to get the most exposure. Do not tweet the same thing over and over again, not only is it annoying to your followers, it is against the rules of Twitter. Take time to explore when the target audience on Twitter, and plan accordingly. Be aware that if you tweet the same type of messages more than three or four times a day, you run the risk of looking like a spammer instead of a job by offering something of value. Twitter is great for sending exclusive coupons and offers, fun nuggets of information and links that lead to a blog or a broader conversation.
The biggest difference between marketing on Twitter and Facebook that are often two completely different sets of people! Not everyone on Facebook is on Twitter, and vice versa. In fact, most people have a preference for a particular platform and spend more time on one or the other. (Unless, of course, as the Social Media geeks out there I like, who constantly switch back and forth.) For some, the 140-character tweet is all they need to communicate. They want a quick shot before they move on to another temu.Cvrkut may result in a "starter" before you link to a website that is a "buffet" or even physically visit the location. Others are looking for more in-depth interview since the beginning, not May want to move away from your Facebook page for information.
If at all possible, as Facebook and Twitter part of your overall marketing plan. There are lots of free and inexpensive tools out there to focus its efforts and optimize the results, so it's not as scary as it sounds. As you test your marketing, you May well find that one platform more suited to your needs, or any platform that performs different functions in your marketing plan. SM marketing is still a developing area, so feel free to experiment, be creative and have fun!
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