planova potpada pod zastavom T-Mobile Cijela . Razni mobiteli su dostupni s planovima.BlackBerry Curve 8250 je jedan takav telefon. To maloprodaji na 299 dolara. Ostali telefone Samsung su također ponuđene na ovom planu. Usluga počinje na 59 dolara za neograničen glas i tekst. Za dodatnu neograničeno surfanje, plan ide gore na višu naknadu. To je dobra vijest za ljubitelje BlackBerry vani koji jednostavno nisu mogli dovesti da se prijavim za dvije godine ugovora.
...ono što vidimo ovdje nije samo mudar marketinški plan staviti na T-Mobile, ali industrija pomak na više prepaid opcija. Kako vrijeme prolazi, bit će mnogo više prepaid ponudi dostupan za gotovo bilo kojim okolnostima. Gledajući unatrag na koliko industrija promijenila od samo siječnja 2009, to je jasno vidi da su velike promjene događaju i nastavit će se.
...ono što vidimo ovdje nije samo mudar marketinški plan staviti na T-Mobile, ali industrija pomak na više prepaid opcija. Kako vrijeme prolazi, bit će mnogo više prepaid ponudi dostupan za gotovo bilo kojim okolnostima. Gledajući unatrag na koliko industrija promijenila od samo siječnja 2009, to je jasno vidi da su velike promjene događaju i nastavit će se.
...ono što vidimo ovdje nije samo mudar marketinški plan staviti na T-Mobile, ali industrija pomak na više prepaid opcija. Kako vrijeme prolazi, bit će mnogo više prepaid ponudi dostupan za gotovo bilo kojim okolnostima. Gledajući unatrag na koliko industrija promijenila od samo siječnja 2009, to je jasno vidi da su velike promjene događaju i nastavit će se.
...T-Mobile will now offer prepaid BlackBerry plans as part of their pay as you go deals. Many people these days are starting to see the benefits of using prepaid phone plans. Of course, in the past, these types of plans have actually been in the spotlight and are seen by some as a "small" plans only deemed worthy for those who could not qualify for a contract based on post-paid cell phone plans. You know, those with two years of the contract and the heavy fees for early termination. Things were quite far away and now T-Mobile has announced it will issue a prepaid plan in which subscribers can use the BlackBerry phones.
...plans fall under the banner of T-Mobile Complete . Various mobile phones are available with planovima.BlackBerry Curve 8250 is one such phone. It retails for $ 299. Other Samsung phones are also offered in this area. The service starts at $ 59 for unlimited voice and text. For additional unlimited surfing, the plan goes up to a higher fee. This is good news for BlackBerry fans out there who simply could not bring to sign up for two years of the contract.
...plans fall under the banner of T-Mobile Complete . Various mobile phones are available with planovima.BlackBerry Curve 8250 is one such phone. It retails for $ 299. Other Samsung phones are also offered in this area. The service starts at $ 59 for unlimited voice and text. For additional unlimited surfing, the plan goes up to a higher fee. This is good news for BlackBerry fans out there who simply could not bring to sign up for two years of the contract.
...plans fall under the banner of T-Mobile Complete . Various mobile phones are available with planovima.BlackBerry Curve 8250 is one such phone. It retails for $ 299. Other Samsung phones are also offered in this area. The service starts at $ 59 for unlimited voice and text. For additional unlimited surfing, the plan goes up to a higher fee. This is good news for BlackBerry fans out there who simply could not bring to sign up for two years of the contract.
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