Friday, July 20, 2012

Best Free Software for Apple iPhone 4

4 iPhone is without a doubt one of the most popular smart phone world has ever seen. This means that you have hundreds if not thousands of programs (applications) available to perform a million things - from determining the location to send a beam of light live right across your iPhone 4 cases. The best applications for your device are reviewed below.

One of the best iPhone applications for 4 days is Foursquare. This software allows you to roam your city and other places, and then be recognized. It allows you to get rewards for roaming around, besides, you are able to see where other people - for example, your friends - roaming also. This software is a location-based, users assign a "mayor" if he or she appears in certain places enough times. It's starting to become very popular in the emerging information to teach people with Foursquare on how to use its mayorships. Currently this program is updated. And of course, has a very attractive price tag is zero - it's free


The following program is for those users who can not keep up with what they must do so within days. They are advised to look into Evernote for iPhone App 4th All you need to keep in mind to start is to fit into your gadget iPhone 4 case, preferably one that can be worn on a belt (not to forget the device in the first place), and install this application. It will magically expand your ability to think, because it is considered something of a digital way to keep mind on what a person does. The user is able to load up this program with pictures and notes, and synchronize them from any computer. This will help you remember everything! If you got any idea or plan, all you need to do is put it into Evernote app that will monitor the plan for you. This makes it incredibly iPhone 4 free software that millions of people are already using.

Another piece of software is designed specifically for music lovers. National Public Radio creates a program that allows you to see all the categories of its musical lineup. This software will help you deliver your favorite style of music - from hip-hop to blues. In addition, there is not only music but also live performances, interviews and unreleased tracks. This one is updated every day, and yet it costs nothing.

Here come the business community. 4 there is an iPhone app that takes care of the professional part života.Program called LinkedIn and is similar to what you might know on the internet on This software allows you to connect to nearly 100 million of various professional kontakata.Pogodno place to start your business contacts, is not it? Your network will see the update your profile with your network every time you do this, and back. This program has been redesigned not too long ago that was more suitable for monitoring have in common with others of his mreži.App comes in 8 different languages​​, and the price is still nothing.

last application review here is pretty literal. His name is Spawn Glow and uses a bright beam of light, clearly visible even protective film on the cover of the iPhone 4. The user is able to manipulate them on the iPhone screen to create your own personal light show. Rays of light stream and a variety of colors and shapes, explosions on the screen with just a double-finger touch. These spawn Glow creations can be saved and loaded into the social networks, for example. In addition, its best creations will be used on the Apple website iTunes.Program is free and the rest described.

All those free iPhone 4 programs are currently available online, and make them once a week.


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