Thursday, August 16, 2012

What Steve Jobs Teaches Us About the Next Generation

, what is Steve Jobs the most influential innovator of our time?
~ Products has launched?
~ The company was created?
Pixar ~ Smash Hits?
~ Its strategic brand building?

Steve Jobs has brought a lot of "Next" in our world. The next MP3 player, the next phone, in addition to pills, and maybe next TV? But what would you say if I told you Steve gave us a solid insights into the "Next" Generation? Well, he did not intentionally, but I believe that his work may shed light on the shadows cast in the Millennials.

Return to the initial question. I think the above answers are all contributing to its clever innovations, but I think there is one key component that drove everything up ...

~ His unique ability to think in the shoes of the end-users (consumers).

Lesson # 1: Thoughts and innovation from the perspective of Millennials.
Know your customer's business law too often overlooked. Steve is a new level at which a behavior of their customers. Steve is a scholar of the user experience. He was relentless in creating products that were beautiful, effortless operation and role in the way that would ultimately shape our lives. Steve, I was intentional about exposing why the general things that he loved in life. He was a focus group for all life had to offer. He injected those proven life (human behavior) insight into the interface and design of their products. Case and point was when my 4 year old niece scooped up an iPad for the first time and immediately knew how to use it.

How well do you know you're hiring Millennials or water? In my experience, most people prefer to put this generation in the box and tell them to wait their turn. Steve has never told his clients that they were not ready for iPhone. Instead, it seeks to put in the shoes of Millennials to better understand their wants, desires and preferences, so that you can use your unique talents and energy for effective innovation and collaboration.

Steve catered to the needs of customers to build brand loyalty and nurture a rich, compelling experience that left users wanting more (aka Apple crack!). We need to start catering to our work culture / environment, training and guidance to build the same loyalty to the Millennials.

Lesson # 2: The Millennium fan of the first leader of the second millennium.
In addition to high consumer knowledge, Steve is a fan of the first and second innovator. All we can feel it when Steve will talk about the latest Apple products in their keynotes. Got a feeling that was a real fan of the device and what ever came across as boastful, proud or salesy.

of a large core of leadership is that you must be a lover of people first, before you can lead them well. Stop taking people if you are a lover of people. This guidance law Steve was good and it will serve you well if you begin to appreciate the perspective and understanding Millennials his generation. My goal with my clients to raise their understanding of the hidden talents of Millennials (see their potential to become a fan) so that they can use to unlock the new economy.

Millennials can feel the head of disbelief and insincerity in an instant so it is crucial to becoming a real fan of Millennials ability and potential.

Lesson # 3: Limit the rules to encourage the millennial game.
Do you remember the holder on the top of iMac (desktop computer that comes in different colors)? Steve deliberately placed to handle the computer to unpacking the product effortless experience. You could just grab the handle and put a new computer on the desk. Easy.

Have you bought a new Apple product lately? If you have, you will notice a thin or non-existing instruction manuals. Steve Consumers want to pull the device out of the box and engage in the game right now! The faster you can enjoy shopping ... rather, it is likely that they recommend it, it is a benefit you in this brand, the happier you are ..

Millennials are high performers in the absence of overbearing rules and regulations. Do your best to limit the rules or "the way it is always done" boundaries that Millennials may stunt creativity and vitality of the organization's future. Mirror Apple's soon to play model and include your first Millennials days and further encouraged to play and easy experience on the job ... Otherwise, you will experience quick to abandon the model.

Apple has become one of the most admired companies in the world, because Steve made ​​these 3 tactics for their specific end-users. You can achieve the highest "excellent" status with its millennial workers delivering these lessons.

Just like Steve Jobs, the Millennials will innovate and change things for the better, but they will need the right leaders and organizations to provide ... So in the words of Apple ...
He thinks differently.

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