Research by psychologist and researcher of the Germany the people more under stress, has discovered the reason are likely back work than their old habits towards goal.
Using medication with Cognitive psychologists, researchers from the University Hospital Bergmannsheil 69 men and women volunteers at the Ruhr-University Bochum, mimics physical stress situation. They use the MRI scans, and studied the brain activity in volunteers.
Release hormones researchers found brain activity stopped in the region in the journal of neurological science, report, research, dealing with goal-directed behavior of stress. However, not affected by dominant regional habits.
Test use of hormones during the three scientists: placebo, stress hormone, hydrocortisone and yohimbine, keep another stress hormones help, noradrenaline, active longer.
The volunteers, divided into four groups received different substances.
Got the hydrocortisone. Another group got the yohimbine. The other received both yohimbine and hydrocortisone. Given the placebo was the man in the fourth set.If all participants selected the specific symbol on the computer they said could get as a chocolate pudding or orange juice reward. Soon, is associated with the participants, the specific symbols get the pudding had other juices to get linked to learn.
Much I wanted was going to be lots of chocolate pudding volunteers follows one of the first phase, after the juice.
Considered in order not to get the food you have eaten a lot of anyone more pudding or pudding may you get the Orange less appetite and they to stop Orange connection symbol selection.
Researchers for their behavior to stop people given stress hormones just placebo and found went on, select the symbol that gave them more pudding and juice.
Watch researchers, volunteers MRI can reduce stress hormones, anterior brain activity — known as the medial orbital prefrontal-remain unaffected driving portion of the brain associated with goal-directed behavior habit.
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