Sensitive information, such as product design, tender documents from aiming at the acquisition of the economic dominance of the country, said risk KPMG partner computer weeks and Steve Bonner interview.
"Their high-tech design that targeting computer code, anyone, mergers, acquisitions, involved and everyone involved in the bid" and he said.
Demand in many countries of the State sponsored hacking program, worms, thought Stuxnet, United States and Iran nuclear research program has been developed by Israel to disable.
"Have no doubt brought about Stuxnet State sponsored espionage activities increase. Features like this we have why not in Government, Bonner was seeking "and said.
To monitor the hacking tools overseas dissident groups often sponsored by the Government led the Barclays information risk management team and earlier, said Bonner uses.
"If they are giving public speeches they to find places for what is going on, and the people attending to speeches about what might be," and he said.
Can prevent the attacking organized crime and cyber crime to support government system is a very refined.
That can prevent the system Government support cyber crimes and organized crime are now being attacked in companies is very sophisticated and aware of.
"Response to better attack the focus system much more difficult, while improving your ability to detect is the Bonner.
By so quickly to which products are real damage for example it's corporate electronic spy from the obviously changing the products design minimum can be. Or change the details of the bid, he said.
"We all abandoned, I don't and should feel is useless to defend against cyber crime. Need to reduce the value of spent more time than spend more effort than you, take what "Bonner said.
On the other hand, new challenges presented corporate hacktivist groups such as sales are from anonymous and Lulzsec, politically motivated.
Works behind a person or State sponsored groups, unlike the organized crime apart from the hacktivists PR, don't shy.
They use the technology, such as denial of service interrupted business, often the private company will post Internet.
"The criminals they say was hacktivists hide tracks and conceal themselves stood up proudly, instead of hacking criminal activity an essential part of their protests" Bonner said.
Environmental groups is both protests have targeted for example, oil and gas company legitimate and illegal hacking.
Protest groups are often vote to attack and collaborative social media, Twitter, for the Organization to use.
They have just been voting list should answer some organization of means. Top list never get them, even if he said the expense and inconvenience of yet they experience.
In many cases, hacktivists don't directly target the company. Is often hosted recruitment website or external, for the characteristics and corporate brand marketing site.
These systems are more companies are focusing on to protect the money transfer system from the organized crime hacker online can be overlooked easily.
Companies are responding by monitoring the target high potential can use any attack advance information published by.
Industry and government groups also are is Exchange of information between companies of the same industry.
"We are working, came in various types of attacks in understanding some scenario-based exercises, environmental and structural organization going" Bonner said.
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