Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Farewell Dennis Ritchie (and That Steve Jobs Guy Too)

My husband came into my office today, a fresh battery (charger is why in my office, who knows?) I lamented the fact that the creator of C and Unix operating system has died. My hubby knows C and so "invested" in the Unix system.

He was quickly reminded me that my cell phone, his cell phone, its operating system, and even a great company Apple - Mac and the rich and famous Microsoft owes thanks to C and Unix. And, that Dennis Ritchie.

Dennis Ritchie.Ime never heard before, but in DH (dear husband), he had more to do with where we are as a technological society, but even Steve Jobs. More important than Steve Jobs? Really? Since the recent death of jobs, it's all in the world can talk about it.

But I understand my husband's point. Without Dennis Ritchie's original ideas and advances in technology, the iPhone and the iPad could be completely different (or not exist at all.) We could be stuck in computer science, or we could slowly progresses in technology, creeping into the old blue screen computer decades .

So, my big question is why the world is mourning jobs and not Ritchie?

"Is he a millionaire?" I asked DH about Ritchie.

"No," he said. "He was just a creator, not a businessman."

and that has made a huge difference.

Steve Jobs built a company and create a brand. He has created a community of die hard Mac lover. He was a walking sound bite, and enough character to people who do not use a Mac or PC as you knew his name. He had a platform. And he uses it very well.

Ritchie was the creator. He had no platform. Not to build a brand around himself and his creations. He did not step into the lime light. He was a quiet flamboyant Steve Jobs. He created things ... things that will affect billions of people.

Create something, create a brand and then create a community for fans of the brand to brand communities. It will grow by itself. Even if the creator is gone.

And that my friends is the clearest example in recent memory as a platform. Which brand is. What is the difference between branding yourself (and became famous because of the brand) and simply, quietly creating something great.

need to be reminded, however, that something big is not necessarily known.

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