Wednesday, July 4, 2012

6 Tips on How to Use Twitter for Business

some of the things that can be achieved only through your Twitter network include getting new contacts, new business deals and collaborations with other business owners. However, before you start networking with other people and gaining new followers, here are some tips on how to use Twitter for business and personal branding.

Remember the social part - Social media is too often an easy way to set things do not really dealing with people. Remember that you have conversations with people (even large organizations have the right people behind their Twitter account). Compliments, comments and participation dialogue with their followers or potential followers will go a long way.

collaborate with like-minded people - Twitter is a great way to easily deal with people in the same industry, people who need their services, and even a potential mentor. Try to send a comment or a compliment that someone in your industry that you admire, or run (strategic) retweeting some of his tweets - you never know where it might end up


Too much promotion leaves you with fewer followers - There are sites and programs that enable automation that you do and do not follow. These sites also ask to stop tracking the excessive self-promoter types who do not tweet to others. People just are not interested if you only promote yourself and your own content. So, intentionally permanent promotion can result in a smaller number of followers. Make sure you participate in conversations, so that this does not happen.

sharing other users' content goes a long way - People are usually really grateful for the retweets and comments, and often reciprocate, or at least thanks for sharing. The strategic content sharing and retweeting can be a good strategy to get new followers, but also to give his followers an interesting new content is still right on their brand and business.

do not automate an instant message - personal preference, but to send instant messages to new followers automatically just impersonal. I automatically asked if I needed after that when users see that the automated response. Some people claim it works, but when I have time, I have this right, and it is often worth it. Take a moment to do a quick check on who their new follower - a look at their websites, their content, etc. Often you will discover new content so you can retweet and interesting person in your industry are linking. Try to find something that connects you with each other and write a more personal thank you. Again, this could lead to very interesting features.

Do not forget your brand - One key thing to remember is to stay true to your brand. Twitter is a great way to inject some personality into your brand, not only to promote their content. Feel free to tweet about their hobbies, as long as you keep it exactly to your personal brand (and keep your business in mind).

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