Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Google Analytics Likes Twitter

U slučaju da to već ne posjeduju Google Analytics, a zatim ga preuzeli. To je potpuno besplatno, a po svemu sudeći najučinkovitije sredstvo na raspolaganju za pružanje vas sa stvarnim lowdown na svojoj internet stranici od korisnika gledišta (ali to je potpuno drugi članak, znanstveni). Ako nemate to, vi već znate da je promet iz Twitter prati i prijavljeni kao "upućivanje prometa". Kao primjer, u slučaju Twitterer klikne na link usmjeren na vaše web stranice preko bilo cvrkut ili retweet Google Analytics daje vidite. Twitter.com 'u svojim "referrali" izvješća. Tu su i rješenja za vidjeti ako Twitter promjene je bio početak dobavljač iako apsolutno je izrekao zajedno putem e-maila. Kao primjer, možete odabrati Google Analytics alat za praćenje kampanje. Svaki pojedinac posjetite stranicu sa cvrkut mogu se pratiti uz uporabu "maleni" URL-ova. U "Tiny URL" usluge na tržištu kako bi zadovoljiti potrebe Twitter lokalnoj zajednici skraćivanje URL (čini preusmjeri liniju domaćin na:. Tinyurl.com "Tiny URL" je relevantna i može se staviti u Google Analytics kampanje za praćenje informacija. Svaki put kolegu Twitterer naprijed ili retweets Firefox korištenje e-mail ili neki drugi proces "Tiny URL" će imati sve svoje trenutne kampanje specifičnosti njega. briljantne, zar ne?


tweeting, twittering, or whatever you call it has become one of the main ways in which websites get site visitors. People will chit-chat about everything and whenever and wherever it is (such as Twitter has demonstrated time and time again). After Twitter launched to promote this way in the beginning it was only natural. "Look at this cool website!" Use for serious cry comes from a good friend from the other. Currently the tagline of smart social media marketing experts. Because people are linking their Twitter page to their MySpace, Facebook and Tumblr account and vice versa there is a strong community able to send and bring site visitors from one site to another. Like almost everything, I was attracted to Twitter as well. Of course, we all have regular updating of the self, and has a lot transpiring that we want to be on the current, as well as share with other individuals. Everyone likes to contribute, as well as monitoring the flow of Tweet is probably one of the reasons why Twitter has become a gold mine.


What does this suggest to you, your site, or your blog post? Well, it means that you will find a myriad of entirely new techniques for finding the visitors to your website once you learn exactly how the proper way to get around the social media ocean.

What does this suggest to you, your site, or your blog post? Well, it means that you will find a myriad of entirely new techniques for finding the visitors to your website once you learn exactly how the proper way to get around the social media ocean.


What does this suggest to you, your site, or your blog post? Well, it means that you will find a myriad of entirely new techniques for finding the visitors to your website once you learn exactly how the proper way to get around the social media ocean.


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