Monday, February 6, 2012

Steve Jobs - The Stuff Of Super Heros

By now you've heard that Steve Jobs resigned from the position of CEO of Apple due to health reasons. But did you know that Jobs was fired from Apple, a company that is co-founder, back in 1985?

Steve Jobs is actually a kind of super hero in my eyes, and not just sheer talent and creativity, but never give up, because they are always looking for a solution instead of crying about the problem, and inventing a new, if he could not find one and for the amazing visionary.

So how is Steve Jobs' super benefit you as a home business owner or internet marketer? If you just picked up a business' performance, I guarantee it will be better equipped to achieve their goals than ever before. So let's look at some of these qualities.

Here is a direct quote from the 2010 Success Magazine article on Steve Jobs is pretty well sums up the picture and inspiring picture of him:

" American business success is the collective volumes of examples of visionaries who meet pressing social needs, or create rich new markets. Among these sites, Jobs is the protector, rough around the edges-the-company founder who was shocked world, was banished from the kingdom was built during turbulent times, and then returned to rescue and take Apple loftier heights. over the past 34 years, he has overcome the missteps ambitious, competitive barriers and recent health problems to change the way people work, communicate and have fun. from Apple again in 1996, after a 11-year exile, he was rescued from near collapse, introduced meteoric products such as iPod and iPhone, and cemented its role as an oracle of consumer tech devices ".

Wow! I could write pages and still not as good a picture as if it is not a quote, and will not even try. Instead, let's look at how you can apply some jobs' miraculous qualities and achievements in their repertoire.

Before you start back pedaling and squawking that you are not Steve Jobs, open your mind to possibilities that you can become and what can be achieved.

So, he was extremely creative and very talented. You know what? There are many creative and talented people in the world who never do anything with these gifts. The thing to learn here is to take everything you got, and push it to the max. If you are a writer, become a better writer, learn how to write great ad copy and use this skill to build an incredible home business or internet.

If you are good at encouraging and inspiring people, study the masters feet until they become one, and become a successful personal development and business coach.

No matter what your gifts and talents to educate themselves and practice until you have a world-class to them, and take your world by storm with them.

And when it crashed, and you will, or when not in something, and you, get back up, do not give up, push forward and overcome this error and turn or a failure or a failure at something even more amazing then began be.

may have retired as CEO of Apple, but it still remains as President of the Board. This is fine gear, but it's wrong to quit, or jump from strategy to strategy or niche niche without achieving initial objectives.

Use whatever you get, give everything you got, and if it is still not enough, go out and get some more! Time to become your own Super Hero, so get out there and do it!

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