Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's Official - NASA State Unpredictable Solar Storms Are Going to Strike Earth From 2010 to 2012

Ne možemo napasti solarnu oluju, baš kao što ne možemo napadati jaki vjetrovi ili kiše. Prostor vrijeme je činjenica života, koji moramo naviknuti, i kao što smo dobili upozoreni o predstojećim uragana, mi imamo satelit pod nazivom "kec", koji nam dolazi ususret bilo prijeteće oluje. Daje nam vremena da se pripremi za nadolazeću na oluje. Ipak, jedini pravi obrana od oluje, da je zatvorena naše energetskim mrežama, satelitima i zatvoriti zračni prostor dok oluja prođe.


4 Beautiful, but cruel Auroras


5 Air crash

When a solar storm hits our atmosphere, anything electrical in the room or in our sky, could adversely affect. Aircraft could lose their power, and GPS systems have become distorted with the fall zračenja.Blaga storms can affect us, but more storms could hit the aircraft, satellites and space craft, which leads to the air space becomes a no-fly zone.

When a solar storm hits our atmosphere, anything electrical in the room or in our sky, could adversely affect. Aircraft could lose their power, and GPS systems have become distorted with the fall zračenja.Blaga storms can affect us, but more storms could hit the aircraft, satellites and space craft, which leads to the air space becomes a no-fly zone.


When a solar storm hits our atmosphere, anything electrical in the room or in our sky, could adversely affect. Aircraft could lose their power, and GPS systems have become distorted with the fall zračenja.Blaga storms can affect us, but more storms could hit the aircraft, satellites and space craft, which leads to the air space becomes a no-fly zone.


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