Thursday, January 5, 2012

WordPress WordAds Will Compete With Google AdSense

"You pour a lot of time and effort into your blog and you deserve better than AdSense," said Burke, who also commented that the earnings WordPress resisted developing the program, because it is seen that Internet advertising was not "awfully tasty ."

for bloggers whose sites are sacrificed for ad revenue, Burke word should be a breath of fresh air. How WordPress ads will look like it is not known, but if the "taste" is the deciding factor, they will not look as shiny stickers that someone holds the Cadillac as a joke, which is how Google ads to look.

Finally, Web ads that get along with web design and sync with your interests to do more than ask the webmaster, they make the place more attractive to visitors, which can translate into bigger blog monitors and increased web traffic for business web sites via do. Serious bloggers to pay attention to how your website looks and feels, and there is no reason why Web ads should be the exception to the rule.

page Aesthetics and SEM

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) experts know that the web looks influence how visitors respond to it. Ecommerce web sites that do are often the aesthetic of kilter, with a smattering of Google ads and adding to the visual purgatory. When the blog is used to generate interest in business and / or direct traffic to its website, it is incumbent on the webmaster blog that is visually appealing. Apparently, WordPress WordAds will help webmasters to do just that.

If your blog suffers from unattractive ads that seem inappropriate, WordAds reportedly will replace them with "high quality" ads. For bloggers who use their blog as a satellite for ecommerce web sites, ads that have improved the aesthetics and coincide with the interests of the blog can help them better first impression on site visitors, which could translate into increased website conversions.

WordPress representatives are not promising these things. But judging by a few things are known about WordAds, you can assume it will be the difference maker in the SEM campaign.

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