Friday, January 20, 2012

Twitter Marketing Tips - 7 Unorthodox Strategies to Use Twitter For Business

Twitter marketing is a very effective way to drive traffic to their content and establish an online presence in the fastest amount of time. Here are 7 "weird" way to discover the tremendous power of Twitter in your small business.

1 Vulnerable

To be naked is to be human. When you begin to share their hopes, dreams and fears, and connect with people in a visceral level. Remember, people buy from who you are before you buy what you sell.

2 Tick ​​people off

There is a saying that when you try to meet all of you will please none. Be stubborn and people who love their assurances will become ardent followers. Polarization creates sales.

3 Tweet Nonsense

this sounds crazy, but hear me out. People hit Twitter to rest and catch up with the news. People do not go to Twitter for business, at least not intentionally. Hit their funny bone and they will answer you noticing.

4 Become Yoda

People are dependent on positive thinking quotes on Twitter.Više motivation quotes you Tweet out, the more you get tweeted.Krajnji result: People think you're deep thought leader is worth following


5 Start dealin 'Cool

Again, this bears repeating, people do not go on Twitter to be sold in. Instead, they go to find the latest news and time-wasting Youtube videos. The key here is: Give them what they want (cool), and they will give you what you want (green). So go on Digg and twitter away those links.

6 Be a master Asker

Do not be afraid to ask for specific actions on your Twitter feed, retweet, for example. If you do not ask for retweets, people will not give you one. If you do not ask for props, they can not give you one. Ask and ye shall receive.

7 Silt sex appeal.

Be gentle with people like you would in real life. Offer praise, be friendly, crack a joke or two. You'll be surprised how well it translates into the online space.

And this will help you as much as possible.

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