Then came the release of Apple's much expected iPhone and iPod Touch. Devices that are expected to literally change the way human beings communicate with mobile devices. In addition to its new touch-screen interface are praising the proper web browser, HTML5 support (sort of) and actually watch most of the sites properly. Since most of the major desktop web browsers only supported HTML4, this is a significant step forward.
...But Apple devices are not without their mana.Početna releases were buggy, limited and basic features like cut and paste, had only moderate support HTML5/CSS3 and wore archaic single-tasking operating systems. Many of these features have been added over time or are planned for future releases, but one of the biggest problems has uncovered a web browser - people realized that using web pages designed for large screen just is not functional on a small phone. Quickly term "pinch and zoom" has become food for ridicule and use of the site become more of a chore convenience.
...with lots of anticipation, Adobe announced the release of Flash Player 10.1, allowing support for mobile devices, including video and hardware acceleration to increase performance and battery life. They also announced that it will release its next Creative Suite (5) will support the Apple App development, enabling developers currently designing applications in Flash, Flex and AIR together for Apple devices.
Well all sounded fantastic and the future is looking very positive indeed. Suddenly a very restrictive model Apple App development is about to get blown wide open - which is now the developers will be able to build powerful mobile web site, and also because it would be easier for developers to build applications in one language, and create more devices -. significantly reduce costs, increase productivity and setting the stage for major innovations
So what happened? Well, how much knowledge of industry experts are aware, Apple has a long and sorted history with proprietary considerations. Although the topic for another article entirely, critical mistakes that were made during the evolution of personal computers and refusing to share or play nice with others resulted in a near-death several times.
One would think Apple would have learned from their mistakes in the past, but in Steve Job now infamous letter published on recently seems to have returned to their old ways - only this time they have enough market share and the impact that this is actually important.
Basically, Apple's ban on Flash player drives in their mobile web browser. And what's more, the day before Adobe announced the release date of CS5, Apple re-wrote part of their developer agreement to ban anyone from using any development platform, but Apple's building aplikacije.Izravan attack not only Adobe, but any other cross -platform development tools such as Unity, etc.
The reasons for this are unclear, but the number of inaccurate and misleading points in a letter to Steve Job. What is even more confusing is that Apple devices themselves emphasize that supports the "full web experience". Since Flash is used on more than 85% of all web sites, that claim is absurd. What is clear is that Apple is trying to protect their proprietary App Store and control of content and delivery to their mobile devices. It would be unfortunate if Apple was willing to destroy the whole future of mobile computing over their selfish interests, but it would seem that the case of his works. Apple has proven to be anti-competition, anti-developer, and anti-consumer.
Apple arguments seem to mainly focus on the use of Flash video (YouTube, Facebook, etc. to use Flash video), which they believe can be easily replaced by another video format of your choice (H.264 codec, which ironically is also a standard video formats to Flash). the problem is that Apple is ignoring thousands of websites built entirely in Flash using Adobe's very powerful ActionScript3 language development. Long gone are the days when Flash is a simple animation tool creates annoying flashy buttons and the "skip intro" pages. Flash has grown into a robust, open and powerful tool for building a compelling and immersive online experience - it's here to stay as a very powerful rich-media application development platform. Apple arguments that are currently unfinished HTML5/CSS3 spec will replace the Flash is not only absurd, but surprisingly wrong and dangerous.
Even if HTML5/CSS3 fully completed and implemented in all browsers today, even if it is supported by the full depth of the Flash AS3 language (which does not come even close), to make it roll over the Internet to the most web users. Neither Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7 or 8 support it at all, which are still the standard for web browsing on desktop computers. Firefox, Chrome and Safari support an unfinished version of the HTML5 spec, but none of them support the same way and therefore it is impossible to develop the web that are universally compatible. Given that it took Internet Explorer 6 for more than four years to become obsolete (and amazingly people still use it), one could even assume that HTML5 will not be universally supported standard on desktop computers for another 5 years or more.
Meanwhile Flash is supported by over 98% of all computers on the Internet, and takes exactly the same way in every browser, and will continue to run the same way in every browser. Even the arguments about the lack of Flash SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are misleading now, with HTML sublayers and the new tools available to make a flash site on a par with HTML. Flash will be supported by every other major smartphone maker, blackberry on Google Android.
So what happens? Well, Adobe has responded in kind. They launched their own campaign to dispel the myths propagated by the Flash Apple, Adobe and the founders wrote his letter in response to Steve Jobs. After the close friends and business allies, the company has for all intents and purposes declared war on each other.
Why? There really is no good reason. Who will win? This is likely to be a winner any time soon, but the losers will surely be developed by and for consumers.
People have asked if I'm biased because my company has been developing in Flash and the simple answer is yes. However, our decision to use the Flash platform as our choice is not made in a vacuum. It is a conscious business decision because we demand from our clients to provide more innovative, beautiful and rich online iskustvo.Slučaju also made each award-winning web site on which discovers the real power and influence of the platform, and there is simply no alternative.
U.S. Department of Justice & Federal Trade Commission are also to be noted, and are now investigating Apple for antitrust violations. We hope that in the interest of mobile innovation Apple releases its firm grip and decide to play nice with the rest of the industry.
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