Friday, January 6, 2012

Communicating Through Life and Death, and the Personal Example of Steve Jobs

When the subject is hovering between life and death, the possibilities for healing and growth are enormous, and as the most important new channels of communication open.

I'm talking about life and death in human terms, as is generally understood to be, but life and death is symbolically also applies far beyond our mortal world. The process can be energetic and inter-dimensional, affecting Gaia and that is far beyond our planet, it can be emotional, mental, spiritual initiation, or part of the culture of death. Life and death is a part of everything is happening all the time, even in such a way as small as the death of hair on the head: in his own way too much, and all have their choice of life or death

If something or someone is in the place of ultimate surrender, one way or another, the soul of the exalted state of spiritual limitlessness. The soul knows it and so, of course, no Spirit, but often those who are observers or indirect participants do not understand that this is the point in time where they can be involved - soul be prepared - through communication, deep and powerful. Soul can talk with the soul and the human beings that their vessels may be involved,. The veil is allowed to drop the

decisions about life and death are evident all around us now as the old way to begin to fall away, and people at the time of determining whether and how it will be part of a new epoch. If someone close to you is facing death or life, keep in mind that even if the individual is far away, this is the time when you can communicate what you want to say effortlessly, through the heart and soul, and she / he will hear you and will answer, and you will hear: you May even see them with you, bright and vibrant and a joy in the gift of life and death are given. Do not try to direct their choice because they just do that, but you know his love and his wisdom will do much to help them, what they decide to do. This will certainly help too.

As he faced the possibility of dying from cancer, Steve Jobs is about the life and death, saying: "Death is the destination we all share ... it is the single best invention of life."

As the faces of his death is a recognition of their fears and, perhaps, write your own epitaph, while giving the world one of the most important gift of learning. He said it was terrible as death approaches is understandable, but remember that death is inevitable and necessary -. He called it clearing out, but I'd call it a new beginning

is a key message of his address was that, in the knowledge that life is finite, we must do everything we can to find and live the joy in this life that we have been given. We must not settle for second best, but he must love our work and our lives, to meet the time comes and success. He was right.

He was speaking to students, when he spoke, young men and women are looking forward to a successful professional life, his energy and passion certainly inspiring to them. His words apply not only to people in the business world, however, but to all the joy comes in many forms, often simple - the joy of the shepherds watching newborn lambs playing in the wind-swept mountains, the mother had committed itself to the welfare of their children, monks prayed in the durability a remote monastery, the music lover hearing the beautiful music. Even birds and animals know how to live in joy.

Steve Jobs has been described as a visionary, but he had a vision that went far beyond the state of the art technology. He was an example of unlimited thinking and self-belief, nothing is impossible and that he wants to share their gifts with the world. As made ​​his destination with the death yesterday, I guess there was little fear in him, after all, but the immense joy in your new beginning.

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