Zahtjevna performanse i promatranje detalja s osvetom je potrebno da se to dogodilo. Tako sam uvijek trčao svoje tvrtke, i ne nisam briga što netko drugi misli ili samo rezultat odbora. Steve Jobs vidio tvrtka kao produžetak sebe, svi smo osjećali da kada je bio na pozornici. Bio je glasnogovornik iza vizije, svoju viziju, ili autocestom. Ona je radila, on je osvojio. I, slažem se u članku gore navedenih, to je samo da mi se ne sviđa izraz "kreten" kao što se čini kao ljubomoran adolescenata nipodaštavati u mnogim pogledu.
...Kao društvo trebamo biti vrlo umorni od napada "pojedinca", ili zahtjevne političke korektnosti, kao i svi gubimo ako ne. Ako Steve Jobs nije pokrenuti stvari način na koji je to učinio, ili gurati tako teško, mi bi se bez. Sjeti se Microsoft pokušao učiniti istu stvar s mobilnih komunikacija 10-godina prije i oni odustali na projektu, pohaban po birokracije, FCC frekvencije ponude, i ljut natjecatelja plakati monopol. Možda, ljudi bi imali sve ove tehnologije 10-godina -. To postoji tada također not easy to be a creative genius who changed one after another industry, which is a lot of people, of course, who will not go down in history as an eminent achievers of their time. Steve Jobs was no exception. One thing I learned, is a think tank that is rich with such brilliance often comes a bit of luggage, or at least less than stellar qualities, at least in politically correct society's standards. Ok so, let's talk about it for a moment, shall we?
..."in his personal life, work was not an angel. According to Tate's" regularly belittled people, swore at them and press them until they reached their breaking point. Looking for the size of the reject decency and empatije.Verbalno abuse never stopped. "It sounds like a jerk, does not he? I wish I could be more like ."
Well, this is an interesting article. I would say that rather than using a "jerk" the term - we can only say "very autocratic" and maybe "little dictator" type. It's pretty amazing that someone could run such a large company in such an autocratic manner. I see Larry Ellison is not too much, and the other very successful people. Call it a Machiavellian, if you want, but it worked, Apple was a huge success. Steve Jobs might be called "Ayn Rand" sign on your article, so it is.
Well, this is an interesting article. I would say that rather than using a "jerk" the term - we can only say "very autocratic" and maybe "little dictator" type. It's pretty amazing that someone could run such a large company in such an autocratic manner. I see Larry Ellison is not too much, and the other very successful people. Call it a Machiavellian, if you want, but it worked, Apple was a huge success. Steve Jobs might be called "Ayn Rand" sign on your article, so it is.
...Well, this is an interesting article. I would say that rather than using a "jerk" the term - we can only say "very autocratic" and maybe "little dictator" type. It's pretty amazing that someone could run such a large company in such an autocratic manner. I see Larry Ellison is not too much, and the other very successful people. Call it a Machiavellian, if you want, but it worked, Apple was a huge success. Steve Jobs might be called "Ayn Rand" sign on your article, so it is.
...'s demanding performance and observation of detail with a vengeance it takes to make it happen. So I always run my company, and I do not care what anyone else thinks or just a result of the board. Steve Jobs saw the company as an extension of ourselves, we all felt when he was on stage. He was the spokesperson behind the vision, your vision, or highway. It worked, he won. And, I agree that the article mentioned above, it's just that I do not like the term "jerk" as it seems like a jealous adolescent slur in many respects.
...'s demanding performance and observation of detail with a vengeance it takes to make it happen. So I always run my company, and I do not care what anyone else thinks or just a result of the board. Steve Jobs saw the company as an extension of ourselves, we all felt when he was on stage. He was the spokesperson behind the vision, your vision, or highway. It worked, he won. And, I agree that the article mentioned above, it's just that I do not like the term "jerk" as it seems like a jealous adolescent slur in many respects.
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