Most people know that you can earn money from Google ads, and to do so, you need to display Google ads on your site, but many do not know how to work with AdSense to maximize revenue.
Here are some tips on how to make money from Google ads and how to work with AdSense.
Tip # 1 before you apply for your AdSense account make sure you have at least one blog or web page with some interesting and informative content about it. As a minimum, you should have three or four places and / or pages. If you submit a site that is apparently under construction and not the actual content then Google may reject your application and once rejected, it is very difficult to be considered again, so get it right the first time.
Tip # 2 to play it safe with the type of website you submit. Google does not allow the AdSense ads on pages with adult content, sites with copyrighted content that do not have the legal right to display such content, gambling sites, sites related to drugs, alcohol or tobacco, violence, guns, hacking, others illegal activities, programs and fees "hate" content. Financial and currency related websites also have difficulty gaining approval.
Tip # 3 After approval, to create AdSense for content blocks and make sure to create custom channels. Custom channels allow you to track the success or failure of your ad blocks. Name your custom channels, so you'll recognize that ad block applies. For example, my text links that run on top of my page on Channel cats can be used "catstop" and the block which is located in the middle of each blog, I use "catsmidpost ".
Tip # 4 Google lets you view up to three ad units and three link units per page. However, use your common sense when choosing what ads. If your site has little content, and then six ads will just look like one big commercial. I usually use the link unit at the top, a square or rectangle mid-post and one link unit at the end of fasting. I also use skyscraper in either the left or right sidebar. Check Google tips on hot spots that will show you the best position to make money from Google ads.
Follow these tips and you will not be long before you earn money from Google ads.
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