Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lessons Learned From the Life and Death of Steve Jobs

During the past few days the world is mourning the death of a man who really revolutized our lives. His story is an American story. I must admit I was an avid follower of Mr. Jobs. I know more about him now than I ever did. However, it has affected my life a product is designed and, more recently, with his story. I was listening to the news station that tell a story and some thoughts came to mind:

During the past few days the world is mourning the death of a man who really revolutized our lives. His story is an American story. I must admit I was an avid follower of Mr. Jobs. I know more about him now than I ever did. However, it has affected my life a product is designed and, more recently, with his story. I was listening to the news station that tell a story and some thoughts came to mind:


How many of us are actively busy counting the attacks against us? How many of us have accepted mediocrity, because that's all we know and expect from you? How many of us have forgotten that we are more than conquerors? We must revive the spirit of conquest! We must adopt the attitude that says, no matter what happened in the past. No matter what the situation looks like now .. As a child of God, I will win! My past will not define your future !!

2) -. Swim Upstream Work has started its business in his bedroom and his father's garage. Most companies know the need of capital and business plan needs to be taken seriously. However, Jobs (along with Steve Wozniak) worked passionately to make this dream a reality.

Many of the great pioneers and innovators of our time have the ability to see what others can not see where else to go. They have the passion and spirit that allows them to visualize something that does not exist, as if it works.

I believe that many people probably thought Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Bejamin Franklin George Washington Carver, and many other inventors are crazy for their inventions. However, each of them had to swim upstream against the current, or to bring their products to life.

How about you? Are you ready to launch into the deep? For travel in unchartered waters? Are you ready to swim upstream?

3) Death is no respecter of persons -. Despite the many obstacles that Steve Job is facing in his life he persevered and made ​​it big financially. He led three major companies. He has designed many large enterprises, and invented and priduced many great products. He is worth billions of dollars. However, despite his fame and fortune at the age of 56 he died of pancreatic cancer. You see, he could not escape death. Death, my friends, is no respecter of persons !!

of the rich and the poor ....... die

black and white ............... die

Young and old ...................... die

For death is no respecter of persons. Are you ready for the Inevitable? If not, why not?

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