Google Promote, Remove and Comment feature; Is death-knell on all established SEO techniques? What is apparent impact on Search Engine Optimization? How will this affect the SERPs (results page)? Huge changes just made the big G. Google could not have gotten better at what it does. It revolutionized the search engine all over again.
that the decision of Google, this is nothing less than a fairy tale crystal ball where they can see everything going on around the universe. All online is kind of an open book on Google if you want it or not. And just when you thought that Google already knows too much about people, what thoughts, what they like, they pursue, they bought, they are looking for, Google comes up another milestone idea to get people even more personal, the ability to promote, remove search results for each individual on the planet is unique and add comments to any of the desired results. Wow, so what if you decide to promote the website from 50th the first page page. I suppose that degrade the top ranking result into oblivion, never to be seen on the first page. So in one click you just kill the hype and hoopla in search engine optimization?
The best optimized pages could literally be gone out of your sight with this tool, if you decide to make it so. And if it is really so, then this is the end of the world. Is this the end of conventional SEO? I do not hear a pin-drop silence?
There is no need to panic yet. If you see the buttons, then you must have noticed that they appear only when you are logged into your Google account, and re-run is that they only affect the results that you see, not what the world does. Do I hear a sigh of relief? If you want to skip my detailed analysis and description of this feature, you can immediately read the conclusion at the bottom.
How Google promote / remove it all about? Specific example.
To check the same, just log into your account, let's say that Google searches for the keyword phrase "webkinz dollar store" and click on the button next to promote the result in the following page. You will immediately see that magically go to the highest snake in the first the site. If you click on the promote "for another" webkinz dollar store "search result, it will move into second place on the first page itself. You can move the second Web page in the first place by clicking on "promote" it. Now Sign up and asks again for the same keyword, you will see your selected pages dropping back to its original position rank. Sign up and again you'll notice you have chosen to return to your site promotes red. If you click remove on any of promoting your web site, it will return to the previous position in Google search results. But, if you click on any randomly remove the UN-promoted website, it will be permanently removed from any results. of course, you can return to results search by clicking on a return to dnu.Rezultati are linked to your Google account just to be constant across any accounts of your account daily.
in the first degree is required to give webmasters a cold feet with the thought that Google gave the fate of the search engine results for the people and everything about SEO goes to landfills. This is by far seems to be now, people change, improvising in the world superior results for every search term. But it certainly is not the case. This is only for your Google account for your personalized result page order. And it is important to know that each new search term will have an entirely different promoted and removed results than others.
I am sure that even the most SEO experts, tutorials, and critics have lost their nerve for a second with their first experience with Google promote and remove with just as I did. So the big question remains, is this the end of our struggle and success with SEO? Is it really all searchers and surfers to decide the ranks of our website? Are we supposed to watch helplessly all the large and popular web sites to reach the top, rather than vanishing away? Thank the stars that this is not the case.
What is Google promote / remove system called?
It's called SearchWiki. SearchWiki lets users have their own sequence promoted and removed results, and leave comments on certain links. Google thus remembers changes made by the account holder on the organic search results pages, and subsequent searches will be shown as a per-user customization, and notes. And most importantly, users will be able to see how other searchers have rated and reordered search results and view their notes, as well, making the search results innovative community initiative.
Who SearchWiki help?
over time, it will certainly make a huge impact on how it affects SEO sites, in my opinion. Before this feature, the webmaster was the only individual who has had an impact on SEO aspects, but now every Google user has the ability to decide where that site should be listed, as the search engine results a different concept altogether. On May even the idea of revolution or existing technology like browser bookmarks and RSS readers.
Customized search results page? Is this happening?
as it stands now, this is not an option, for example, a page can be pushed to the top score for all customers or just getting enthusiasts to 'promote' that place millions of times. Nor can outrank your competitors your site by clicking on a link to remove a thousand times.
Yes, you can now customize their search results with organic rankings, deletions, leave notes against each page for future reference and see how other Google users tailored to their search. SearchWiki notes will be visible to other users, identified with your Google Account nickname.
What are the implications of Google SearchWiki on SEO?
It's like an alarm bell for all to correct their work, especially the thin affiliate sites, spammers, or they resort to black hat stuff. Yes, sooner or later there will hardly be scope for every inch even deviate from the core basics of search engines. This is the significance and accuracy.
Yes, many things will be affected by the sale of delivery and reporting. SEO will not be dead, but it will be developed and more geared towards content than techniques.
Google is outstanding in preventing spam, and this new tool on the prima-facie, not only to generate more direct analysis of data for Google, but it will also launch a mass spam removal movement in the world. As far as promoting and removed the data is concerned, Google is obviously wary of SEO masters using proxy servers running multiple alias sites and redirect and unethical methods that can easily be used to promote a single page. Therefore, they will never make the mistake of simply considering all the votes were received for a page to the ranking algorithm for organic search, without checking, because. All this will give Google a whole new perspective to search user habits and patterns that allows the user to mix and change organic results alone. It is unimaginable, but true that is already happening.
What if Google decides to apply a promotional and removal data to page ranks? Dooms Day?
What if Google decides to apply a promotional and removal data to page ranks? Dooms Day?
...Top 10 ranking results will be flooded with sites that most people vole.Najtoplijeg and popular existing pages will fill the top slots overnight, for every imaginable keyword search izraz.Prostor for newer, less unpopular web site will almost disappear without a place in the top visible places. As a result, would never get a promotion. I slowly stand as good as removed even if it is not.
...This could be a great force people to look at the most popular web site, but the small ones that are more or less sold relatively lesser value or quality will never stand a chance. Small traffic can never be definitive diagnostic indicator.
...For those who care about SEO.
or the agony of anxiety about the impact on the SEO and ranking may be removed to another by itself is reminiscent of the one and only governing factor about search engines, which only depends on its existence and will always be on his ability to provide accurate and relevant information for users, not anyone else. Even SearchWiki, the new Google tool is designed with no other intent but relevance. Is it not so common to find relevant content, even after 10 pages, from time to time? (I do not know about you, but I'm not looking deeply when I need information). In this case, one would label this page or copy the contents for future reference. I always sympathize with quality web pages nowhere near the top ranking positions. It just proves that great content alone can not guarantee top ten rezultata.Mnoštvo factors such as SEO, links, sandbox are responsible to drive the top of the page. And the process is slow.
importance will now be "in the search (Google) to search (Google) and search (Google)." Sounds pretty much like a democratic definition of search engines.
Not so long ago, when webmasters saw huge potential in the exploitation of people bookmarking habits, craze Social Bookmarking sites Diggs, erupted overnight giving search relevance to the full meaning.
now things will change. The better you bookmark a page from a search in just one click, no further account to log on.
of backlinks and quality of links are still the driving force behind the website to rise or fall. This is equated as votes were received from other places. As for Google positions are concerned, the promotion of natural sites from various UN suspicious IP addresses can be counted as a vote of the importance of the search phrase.
Scientists may still be trying to unite the forces of nature into a single formula, but it looks like Google is almost unique in the world successfully.
Welcome to the Google monopoly. See how it gets bigger every day.
is one account:. Where your world converges on
(Oh if you do not have a Google account.'ll Be forced to have one sooner or later)
A Search Engine: keywords manufacturing units. Keyword demand supply chain. Unlimited Manpower at work for the biggest keyword market. Where do Internet business and eCommerce are regulated.
A Search Tool (External keywords): Manufactured keywords put on window display. Who has the authority to declare better than Google itself, about what exactly people are looking for? Take it or leave it.
One Traffic Estimator:. (Google allows you to judge the price of the keyword too) Window shopping for keywords
One AdWords:. Ok, so those interested can shop for key words from the key store
One AdSense:. Auctions keywords recycled back to the people (searcher) working in the factory keyword
a tool for webmasters:. Manufacturers keywords money now safekeepers all your keyword rich things
One Analytics:. Realtime live TV telecasting keyword news is that buyers and sellers interested in
One Web history: Refined fuel for machines keyword engine. Each web habit and online track records hold good with Google. They know exactly geo-specific, cultural needs of a particular keyword. So who better to assign a price tag keywords for auction?
One page (iGoogle): If all of these become second nature to you, then iGoogle is a way to stay hooked. You'll get a lot at your finger tips.
And now Google SearchWiki:. Google taking control of what you thought was best for you
It's like that, you have helped produce some great and moderate keywords so far, so why not make a big production of the result pages, click votes too. After all, there are free gazillion keyword workers (search engine users) in the factory (Google), at any point in time. Keep a little extra work, and Google will know exactly what gazillion wants to see or not see. Crystal ball is a fairy tale is for real now.
Where do you stand? Your best kept secrets are the best sources on the Google rulers. Google knows what customers want, what most sales. Google knows what retailers want, what customers are willing to pay, how much they are willing to pay for, where are the best buyers and sellers come previše.World Wide Web is not as involved with the big G anymore. They won the world faster than Alexander.
Everyone Top 10 pages will look different for the same search term. It is frightening to even think about it.
Google's got a perfect on eradicating the imperfections. And if you thought that you had reason to point the finger at them because of erroneous results, gave the baton to you to improvise. Google may use 20 million algorithms in milliseconds offer what is essential. But now I will have more than a gazillion entire planet to vote for their review and definitions of relevant searches.
What are the future projections and the effect on SEO practices?
First Analysis of the top ten projections and reporting is likely to change based on the consensus of the world.
2.Definicije for PageRank and rankings for single phrases and e-commerce variables can change. If a large number of people do not see a result in the first few pages, because these are custom configured for a particular phrase with pre-selected results of the effect on top, then definitely there would be fewer click throughs and on top of the web site will be pushed back further. Thus resulting in lesser visitor count for subsequent pages and affect the PageRank algorithm.
3 Marketers and SEO experts will have to look at the bigger picture rather than be obsessed with PageRank and rankings for single phrases.
4 Google AdWords will become more prominent as a sure way to topping the results with paid rankings, even if the user result page is very well adapted. That means more revenue for Google.
5 When everything starts to promote your favorite website, quality content will surely become even more undeniable (as it should be), and "classic" SEO techniques will need a complete re-orientation.
6 Marketing and SEO industry now thriving on Google, there will be more proactive on Yahoo, Quil etc as alternative options.
7 Because this feature is only for Google account. From now on, page rank and result pages outside logged Google accounts will very much be based on the organic SERPs. Especially considering the fact that Yahoo still has more base account from Google. But in the end will dominate even more in the search engine market share, because of its unlimited customizable features.
8 As this Search Wiki tweak can be very prone to spams, we really do not see any sea change in the PR situation radically soon until the rest of the planet is not a Google Account to register and start using the feature.
9 Google Analytics will still be laser focused. Google will take an enormous amount of personal data and use them to improve the relevance of the results. Now you will have the opportunity to know their promotion vs removal ratio for each indexed page. Soon you will know your rank popularity as much as your PR rank.
10 Soon it will be presented in real-time reviews on your website moderator or a moderator is not Google.
11 Web sites with real content and relevance will now be super must to even fair anywhere near.
12 SEO will spell an "authority site" more than "Optimized pages ".
13 Survival of the fittest will be the new Google theory.
14 All on-site testimonials and reviews on products, services often clinically engineer or manipulated will matter less, because you will have real time online reviews before you land on that page. (Google Updates = feedback feature reviews)
Millions of webmasters and people still need to be biting their fingernails, trying to figure out what is wrong or right with our great Google. Since it is likely to affect the already established businesses, websites and SEO? But I hope this article gives you enough insight into our destiny, or the growth of Google in the near future.
The second revolution began with the search engine Google Promote, Remove and Comment feature. Are you ready for change?
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