Thursday, November 3, 2011

Book Review - The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, by Carmine Gallo


Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs is a book that may be the language of love. Gallo quotes from sources such as Nancy Duarte is a Slide: ology and Garr Reynolds' Presentation Zen . He even sidebar at JFK Speech Ted Sorensen on the impact of Barack Obama entitled "The world's largest Speechwriters know.


nor can they get away with wearing faded jeans, sneakers and T-shirt with a turtleneck on stage. No, just all the product or service that improves people's lives has a story to tell. Gallo book explains in detail how Jobs is his story so that his passion shines through and ignites audiences. It was Gallo's claim that anyone can learn how to submit a "crazy big" presentation.

"secrets" that make the job so effectively on stage are the usual advice to stage coaches running presentation: Make eye contact with your audience, use vocal variety and be able to know well timed pause. However, most of the book analyzes the structure, but the delivery technique, great keynotes Jobs given to Macworld and elsewhere over the years. This makes the book invaluable for anyone who needs to understand the nuts and bolts of writing speeches.

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When Steve Jobs takes the stage is often tells a dramatic story, so it is appropriate that the book itself is structured as a three-act play. Act one tells you how to create a story, Act 2 tells how to deliver it, and Act 3 stresses the importance of the probe. Gallo adds, "directed by Notes" that summarize each chapter (or scene), he introduces a supporting cast of characters.


Speechwriters' playbook

The book is a playbook for writing a great speech. Jobs and his team begin scripting language long before firing up PowerPoint or, in their case, Keynote software. They inhabit the attention-grabbing headline ("the thinnest notebook"), and then decide on three key messages, developing analogies and metaphors. And outside the scope of the demonstration, video clips and cameo appearances

Next they develop a "plot" of speech, setting the antagonist (Microsoft and IBM in the early days), dressing up a lot of numbers, including "incredibly energetic" words. Finally, they remembered the script "holy smoke" moment that people will talk about long after the event završava.Slajdovi in the end things are heavy on pictures and light on text and bullet points.

live action video

The book itself will only go so far. If you've never actually seen the jobs present in person, then you have not experienced the "reality distortion field" of his charisma and eloquence created in the hall. Gallo is covered.

end of the book notes, give the URLs for some than 47,000 YouTube and video clips showcasing the job and clearly showing the techniques discussed. Viewing videos compensate for poor quality black and white photography jobs on stage, a disappointment in the book.

Learning from mistakes

To counteract any feelings of inadequacy you might have after watching the keynote Jobs delivered a flawless, do a quick search on YouTube for "Apple bloopers" and you will see that, even for Steve Jobs, things do not always go well on stage. Demonstrations, displays freeze and stumble over words. But as with any master presenter, Jobs remains calm.

Even if you write a speech or deliver are not intended to be "crazy" size, they will be much better for having read Carmine Gallo is crazy great book.

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