Saturday, October 15, 2011

Is Google Dead?

Since the introduction of Google in 1998, he gradually became the world's most popular search engines. Processing requires more than one billion and twenty petabytes of data every day, even the word has worked its way into everyday use and were rewarded with entries into different English dictionaries. Although quickly surpassed traditional search engines such as Yahoo and MSN Live, its rapid growth has attracted much criticism -. Especially in marketing and publishing industries

With its acquisition of the popular web publishing application DoubleClick in 2007, the company also acquired a large monolith DoubleClick klijenata.Tehnologija list featured in the program allowed Google to use behavioral targeting to its fullest, drawing criticism from users that invaded their privacy by tracking their behavior on the Internet.

Although 99% of Google revenue comes from advertising programs, they come with many flaws and received complaints about the difficulty of use. Due to concerns with click fraud, search engine optimization company has been criticized as a source of AdSense invalid clicks, driving up advertising costs for businesses. Google also reserves the AdSense payment on account until it reaches $ 100, the amount that can take up to a year for small companies. Many accounts have been closed even before they were due to receive their first paycheck, to encourage a lot of anger from a legitimate account owner and publisher.

With the introduction of Bing marketing, publishers breathed a sigh of relief. For only $ 5, users can import their settings from Google and may even expand the ads and marketing efforts on mobile search ads. Bing says all of its demographic and incredibly easy to use, especially when compared to Google.

Yahoo! also provides many opportunities for publishers and companies. Allowing users to create banner ads, advertise in search results, host your own web site, and even reach customers looking for local businesses, it seems to be more versatile than Google which is geared more towards large firms (who are a minority of the total marketing action).

Yahoo! also provides many opportunities for publishers and companies. Allowing users to create banner ads, advertise in search results, host your own web site, and even reach customers looking for local businesses, it seems to be more versatile than Google which is geared more towards large firms (who are a minority of the total marketing action).


Despite all the problems and criticisms associated with Google and its marketing opportunities for businesses, it still looks like it has a foothold in the small business web publishing, even though Bing is growing rapidly because of its intuitive user interface and ease of use.

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