Friday, September 2, 2011

Aircraft Technology Applied to Trucks

Several aerodynamic improvements and flow control techniques are used in jet aircraft wings to allow better movement through the air, and thus improve the overall efficiency zrakoplova.Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta is now working on using the same technique with trucks and trailers. According to recent studies using a full size truck clearly show that the technique less fuel reduces fuel consumption by as much as 12 posto.Tehnike can also improve control of direction and breaking, thus increasing safety as well as on the roads.

Robert Englar, principal research engineer Aerospace, Transportation and Advanced System Laboratory Georgia Tech Research Institute said that they solve mysteries from the previous test, and showed that this technology works in trucks, as well as those not in the aircraft , and they expect to consider the transport industry an estimated 12 percent reduction in fuel expenditure worthy of pursuing. This amount will improve fuel efficiency, which resulted in about 2,400 million liters worth of savings for the U.S. heavy truck fleet.

techniques employed in this technology, aerodynamic improvements were made ​​possible geometry changes on the trucks that generate savings of up to 6-7 percent. These changes include rounding aft trailer corners, installation of fairings, as well as other changes that smooth air flow over the boxy kamiona.Dodatne savings of 5 per cent achieved by pneumatic devices that blow air out of the hole on the rear of the vehicle to prevent separation of air flow.

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